Services > Corporate Innovation Sprints

Corporate Innovation Sprints

Innovation Sprints are a process for creating ideas, prototyping, and testing.  They can be used to improve business strategy, marketing, or product design.  A small team begins the process with a creative stage, developing many options and ideas.  The team then assesses and validates options to come up with a viable new business model or product idea through a rapid process.  Your team owns the work and we facilitate the process.

Design Sprint Graphic


Customer Validation & Marketing Innovation Sprint

We use a combination of tools and processes proven in the startup world to explore new markets.  This process focuses on validating a solution’s Desirablility.  Customer desire and the assumptions around your customer’s needs are tested systematically.  Our Digital Marketing Tools can also be employed to help you test the market’s engagement and willingness to purchase.


Product Innovation Sprint

This is the more familiar aspect of design for many people.  Engineers and Architects have been using problem solving and design tools to create innovative solutions for a long time.  Our expertise in innovation originated in digital systems engineering and we’ve applied engineering problem-solving, or design thinking to every challenge since.  A desirable outcome needs to be offered using a feasible solution.  What solutions are possible to offer the customer, which meet their most important demands?  Is the product or service you are offering the optimal way to help your customer with the job they need done, or are you replicating your competitors solution?  Find ways to creatively differentiate and develop value.


Business Strategy Innovation Sprint

Traditional strategic planning processes often leave an organization with a set of targets that are too product and competition focused to remain relevant beyond the present situation.  We use the Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas to mold and adapt strategy continuously in response to customers, changes in the business environment, and product innovation.  Business Model Innovation focuses on the Viability of a business model, but it encapsulates Desirability and Feasibility as well, to produce a fully scalable business model that your organization uses to profit.

Find out how we can help using Digital Marketing and Strategy Workshops!

Services > Innovation Sprints