Services > Strategy Workshops

Strategy Workshops

We offer strategy workshops to cover strategic planning, marketing strategy, and business model innovation.  Our tools and processes focus on your customer’s needs so that your strategy is developed in response to your customers rather than your competition.  This opens up opportunities to use innovation and adaptation to differentiate yourself, rather than going through the typical management exercise that often leads to a focus on cost and direct competition.  To create new, innovative value we rely on Design Thinking and innovation tools like the Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design, and Lean Canvas.  When combined with traditional tools such as benchmarking, visioning, and industry analysis, this offers a powerful approach to develop an advantage in your market.

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Establish Vision and Goals

We always have to set a vision for the future and measure our progress.  Whether the focus is inventing a new strategy or improving existing operations we need to define success. Traditional management techniques can set out annual goals.  We move beyond this by offering techniques for companies wanting to measure innovation and determine new directions as well.


Develop Unique Customer Value

Value is created by serving a customer need.  We help you understand what your customer’s actually value by studying at their actions using data and analytics.  Then we work with you to strategically communicate your strengths. Connecting your product’s strengths to your customer’s needs is the essence of strategic marketing.  The better you can connect your solution to customer needs within your operating environment the more successful you will be.  We use the Value Proposition Design process to learn about your customers and develop a strategy that maximizes the value you can provide them.


Reinvent Your Business Model

Innovation is required to create new value.  It is impossible to sustain a competitive advantage forever.  Focusing on present models and product performance leave the firm open to disruption.  It is equally important to explore new markets and solutions, and find what works.  We follow the principles of Lean Startup when considering invention and innovation.  Prediction and long-term planning cannot be relied upon in uncertain environments.  Adaptability is more important when considering uncertain futures.  If you’re facing changes in your market, or perhaps new challenges addressing a digital world, contact us and find out how we can help.


Continuous Improvement

In matured markets where a product is well defined, prediction is possible, and production efficiency and scalability are more important.  This is the realm of traditional strategy, industry forces, operational efficiency, and value chain analysis.  Lean principles still apply, but in this case the traditional lean manufacturing approach is taken.  Produce more customer value at each stage of your operation and your pricing power increases. Ask us about Lean and Value Stream Analysis.


Play In Your Own Sandbox

Direct competition erodes your ability to capture value and profit from your customers.  Deciding where to play and how to win involves setting yourself apart.  Sometimes this means differentiation, other times it means changing the whole game.  We can introduce tools to help you assess the current competitive landscape and find opportunities to capture brand new value.


Create Alignment

Regardless of your operating environment, your team’s efforts need to be aligned to make progress.  It’s critical to communicate your purpose and direction so that everyone’s effort moves the organization in the right direction. We offer a structured approach for change management and communication that helps your organization align to strategic change.

Find out how we can help using Digital Marketing and Design Sprints!

Services >Strategy Workshops